Wednesday, December 10, 2008

So, They Found Something on your Mammogram

It happens sometimes. You have a mammogram and get a letter that there was something in your mammogram that needs to be checked. Don't Panic!! This isn't unusual. I got a letter last week. I waited for Monday to come to find out what it was. I've never received a letter like that before. They said that there were two spots they wanted to check. So I had another mammogram and then an ultrasound. It wasn't anything. It could have been. But it wasn't. It's so important to get that first mammogram. And a followup is important too. Don't be afraid. Don't shy away from that second test. I could have worried but left it in God's hands. If they found something in the ultrasound, then I'd have it taken care of. But not to worry until there's something to worry about. Mammograms are sooooo important.

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