Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Thank You's From Cappers

Dear Joyce's Chemo Caps,
I am a breast cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy at UT Southwestern's Simmons Comprehensive Care Center. Just this week, I lost my hair.. One of the wonderful nurses at the clinic showed me your chemo caps and I was absolutely delighted. I picked out the most beautiful, soft, warm, pink cap that is so comfortable. I wear it all around the house and I just love it. My cap makes me smile and brings happiness in an otherwise dreary situation. Thank you for providing such wonderful caps.. You are such a blessing to others!
God bless,
Heidi De Diego

I just wanted to thank you for the chemo cap I picked up at the Plano Texas Oncology site about one month ago. I saw it in the basket and I picked it up and was so happy to have it.
It is very comfortable and I like it a lot. I wear it more than anything else. it came at a very good time.
In case you are wondering which one it is, it is a dark pink with a light pink band around the face. it is pretty and I enjoy wearing it.
Thank you again, you are very kind and thoughtful to do this. Next week when I have my next chemo treatment, I will be halfway done. I am very thankful to have a chance to recover from my breast cancer. I still will have to take herceptin treatments for a year, but they don't make me sick like the chemo does.
I am sorry that you lost someone dear to you. Your ministry touches my heart and I pray for you and your family.

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