Saturday, May 2, 2009

Brokenness by Wendy Tuttle Jenkins

Last August, 2008, I felt really inspired to write about 6 poems. Very strange, because I never really wrote poetry. Remember, these were written before I had ANY idea of any cancer diagnosis. I used to think they were for someone else, but looking back now, I think God gave them to me to prepare my heart. This was my first one.

We never know what life will bring,
Whether good or bad, sunshine or rain.
We have no control, this is for certain,
For around the next corner, could be a collision.

When dealt life's blows, one can react in anger,
Slam the door on the world to escape the danger.
We can hide our feelings and mask our anguish,
But in the end we become sarcastic and selfish.

WE cannot explain why God allows our brokenness,
To pretend we understand, is the first sign of foolishness.

We could throw our fists in the air as some people do,
Look the creator in the face and ask Him, how dare you?
But what purpose would that serve with what time we have left?
To not ask Him for help would be the ultimate theft.

The nights are full of unrest and the depression is deep,
To overcome them we must turn on the light and receive.
There are those standing beside us expressing they care,
Just reach out and grab their hand and do not despair.
These are the Hands of God in the flesh,
Reminding us that He won't forsake us.

Here is the pearl and key to it all,
God is the first to see the sparrow fall.
If He cares that much to notice a bird,
How much more does He care that your prayers are heard?
He knows the hair on your head and numbers each one,
He sings over you at night and calls you His son.

Each grain of sand is matched to the stars in the sky,
The truth is you matter to God; He’s your biggest ally.
You are special and important and created in His image,
He knows the plans He has for you,
YOU are not alone in your pilgrimage.

~Wendy Jenkins, 08/2008, before any cancer diagnosis.

Please scroll down to read Wendy's story.

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